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Physio Analysis

Physiotherapy is treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient’s mobility and function.

Pain Management

Physiotherapists play an important role in the management of acute and chronic pain.




The Function Movement scren (FMS), amd later the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), was devloped to help us to screen individuals for risk of injury and / or a dysfunctional or performance-limiting movement pattern.

  • Hurdle Step This is designed to challenge the body’s proper stride mechanics during a stepping motion, and requires stance leg stability of the ankle, knee and hip as well as maximal closed-kinetic chain extension of the hip.
  • 1.
    Deep Squat Used to assess bilateral, symmetrical and functional mobility of the hips, knees and ankles.
  • 2.
    In-line Lunge Places the lower extremity in a scissored position, challenging the body’s trunk and extremities to resist rotation and maintain proper alignment.
  • 3.
    Active Straight-leg Raise Assesses active hamstring and gastroc-soleus flexibility while maintaining a stable pelvis and active extension of the opposite leg.
  • 4.
    Trunk Stability Push-up Tests the ability to stabilise the spine during a closed-chain upper body movement.

Rotary Stability Requires asymmetric trunk stability in both sagittal and transverse (horizontal) planes during asymmetric upper and lower extremity movement.

How is FMS scored? The seven movement patterns are scored from 0-3 points.

  • 3 = No compensations according to the established criteria
  • 2 = Can perform the movement but must utilise poor mechanics
  • 1 = Cannot perform the movement pattern
  • 0 = Pain
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